Today it has become easy and quick to do rail ticket booking online from the comfort of our home in a few clicks. We do not need to visit railway stations, and we can book train tickets and get ticket confirmation and other related details online. Also, you can check your train’s PNR status online. But many people have doubts about PNR status. So, here you will get to know everything about PNR status.

So, what is a PNR number? PNR number, which stands for Passenger name record, is a ten-digit number provided to the passenger against the IRCTC train ticket booking. So, when you book your train ticket online or offline, you can find a PNR number on your ticket. And when you book train tickets in a group, a single PNR number is provided to a maximum of six passengers in a group booking. And if you are booking a ticket for an individual, then a single PNR number is provided to only one passenger. So, you can check your PNR status by providing a unique ten-digit number that you have got on your ticket.

So, the following are the details and info that you can get while checking your train’s PNR status after IRCTC train booking confirmation;

Check your seat info –

When you check your PNR status, you can get information about your seat. Therefore, you can check the seat number so that you do not need to face difficulty and can easily find your seat with the help of the seat number.

Waitlist information –

You can also check your train’s waitlist details and information if your train is waiting.

Check RAC and CNF –

You can also check reservations against cancellation (RAC) and confirmation (CNF) for the IRCTC ticket booking.

Class of travel and fare -‘

You can get additional information while checking PNR status: class of travel and fare. In addition, you can find details regarding the charges for travel and other extra charges, if any.

Final booking status –

You can check the chart status for the final seat booking. When you check your PNR status, you can find a chart showing your last seats.

Check your train details –

It is essential for the passengers to know the name and number of their train. So you can also get details and information regarding your train name and number while checking your PNR status.

Train status –

And along with the train name and number, you can also check the booking status and live status of your train, boarding, and reaching time at your destination.

So, after booking your train ticket, you do not need to worry about how you can get the details regarding your train booking. You only need to check your PNR status online with the help of a ten-digit PNR number. If you have any doubt regarding your train’s status, you can check it over your mobile phone by clicking on the screen. So, check your PNR status and get every detail and information regarding your IRCTC train and ticket.

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