If you are soon to be introducing a puppy into the home and are worried about possible damage, this article was written with you in mind. Pet proofing a home is an essential requirement if you want your furniture and other items to survive, and with that in mind, here are a few tips on how to prepare your home for the arrival of a puppy.

  • Shoes – Whatever your system for storing shoes, it will have to be modified for the arrival of a puppy. As we all know, puppies like to chew; this is a natural behaviour to promote the teeth, and in most cases, a puppy will chew anything it can. You need a shoe cupboard (with doors) where all shoes can be kept, and the most important thing about chewing is to give the dog a couple of chewy toys and make him understand they are the only things he can chew.
  • Baby Gate – If there are rooms that you don’t want your puppy to have access to, simply put up a baby gate until such time as he understands the rules. The kitchen, for example, could be a dangerous place for a puppy, so you and the family need to decide which rooms the puppy is barred from.
  • Loose Cords – If you want to puppy pet proof your home, it is a good idea to remove (or shorten) and blind cords or other stringy items, as the puppy might think these are for playing. Even a tiny string from a cushion could be enough to rouse his curiosity, so check the home for loose ends.
  • Kid’s Toys – If you have young children, make sure that any small toys are put away when not in use, as your puppy could end up swallowing a small plastic object, which could be costly to remove. You should consider taking out some form of pet insurance, which will help in the event of emergency treatment, plus you can also get cover for routine care costs.
  • Medicines – Obviously, all medication should be stored away, as puppies are much like children, in as much as they put everything in their mouth. Even food leftovers should be quickly cleared away, as your new pet might ingest something that is not good for him.
  • Designate His Personal Area – There should be a place in the home where your puppy can rest, and this is where his bedding and water bowl should be kept. The kitchen might be the best place for him, and all his chewy toys should also be kept there. This is important, as he will look for an area that he can call his own, and without this, he is likely to explore more than you would like.

Toilet training is something that needs to begin from day one, at least until he is able to hold on until walk time, and with a litter tray near his bed, he will quickly understand this is where he does his business. The first few weeks cab be a little stressful, until he understands the rules of the house, and by considering all of the above, your possessions, and his health, will be protected.

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